Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Week of Oct. 4


Parent teacher conferences are NEXT WEEK. You should have seen a paper yesterday to instruct you on how to sign up for a time. You can use the following link- http://doodle.com/poll/4ar9dxiq9uf8ysd4

At conferences we will go over:
     -The new grading system
    - Current Benchmark test results
    -Classroom behaviors
Can't wait to see you there!

Snacks- Thank you for the donations for class snacks. We are currently out of snacks again and would love more if you can!

Mustang Gallop- Friday is the Gallop! Pledges and/or donations will be due shortly after. Our class team this year is Japan! On Friday it would be great for each student to wear a white shirt. Please send and old t-shirts that you don't mind getting cut up. We want to also wear head bands! Students will wear head bands for Taiko Drumming (inspired by Japan) so this gave the idea for the Gallop!