Monday, December 11, 2017

Dec. 11

    Can you believe this is the last week until Winter Break? Time is flying by. To wrap up the semester we have a few important reminders for the week.

Holiday Craft Night- Marshall PTO is hosting a Holiday Craft Night on Wednesday, Dec. 13 at 5:30. Please bring the family and enjoy some time together creating fun holiday crafts.

Water Project Showcase- Please join us for a short Water Project Showcase on Friday, December 15th. Students have been working hard the past quarter understanding water on Earth. The showcase will last from 11-11:30. You are welcome to stay and eat lunch with your student after as well!

AR Reading Goal- Students have until Friday, Dec. 15 to complete their AR reading goal. Please help your student by encouraging them to read a book in their level each night. Book levels are written inside each student's agenda and books can always be borrowed from our classroom library!

Holiday Book Exchange- We will have a book exchange Friday morning within our classroom. Please help your child find a used book at home that may put a smile on another student's face! PLEASE do not go buy a book if possible. This is just a fun way to give an old book a new life and spark a new reader's interest! Please have your student talk to me privately if they cannot bring a book.

Winter Break- Please remember that school will be dismissed the next couple weeks from Dec. 18- Jan. 1. We will return to school on TUESDAY Jan. 2.

Report Cards- Report cards go home on Friday, Jan. 5.