Wednesday, February 8, 2017

We're BACK!

WOW! It has been awhile since we updated the blog.  In order for the blog to be successful, I need to make sure families are reading it! For a short period of time I plan to print off a copy of the posts to send home. Please still log-on if possible and comment with your student's name at the bottom. Please let me know if the comments are not working!

*Science Fair: Projects are due THIS Friday! We have had many days in class to work on each part. Students should bring their supplies for the board and assemble what they have for the rest of the week. If the board is here, it will stay here! Thanks for all the at home support students have received. This year our class has the most unique and creative projects I have seen!
*Monday, Feb. 13- Students will be interviewed by a community member about their projects
*Wednesday, Feb. 15 Family Science Fair Showcase 5pm - 6pm

*Snowbowl: We rescheduled the ski trip for Monday, Feb. 27th. I can take one or two more chaperones! Let me know if you can ski and join us!

*Valentines Day: We will have time at the end of the day on Tuesday, Feb. 14 to hand out treats and Valentines. I challenge you to send a non-sugary treat if possible (pencils, stickers, fruit etc.) Also, I would love to do a couple activities in class that day. If you feel you can donate we would love to have:
 *Hersey kisses (for a game)
 *Small boxes of NERD candy (for a game)
 *Red Vine candy  (for a game)
 * Valentine colored M & Ms  (for a game)
 * Candy hearts (For a Experiment)
 *Vinegar (For a Experiment)
 *Club soda (For a Experiment)
 *Tooth Picks (For Engineering)
 *Gummy Candy (For Engineering)