Monday, February 12, 2018

Week of Feb. 12

Hello! Happy Random Acts of Kindness Week! Below is a photo of the themes for each day. Our wonderful PTO has challenged us to dress up each day and spread kindness throughout the week.

For Valentines Day, we will have a little bit of time in class to hand out kind notes and treats at the end of our day. I encourage students to hand out items other than candy if possible! :) Pencils are always handy!

Science Fair:

This week we are completing projects. We are doing as many projects as we can in class. Please make sure your student shared the materials they needed to bring from home. A few projects must be done outside the classroom. This information has already been sent home.

Once the experiments are complete, students can finish typing their sections and assemble their boards. These too can be done in class! Please send in boards ASAP. We also sell boards at school for $5.

Projects must be complete by Feb. 23

Box Tops For Education- Please send in those Box Tops! Our class won last round and would love to win again! More importantly, each Box Top helps raise funds for our school.

Tax Credits - Please consider Marshall as you complete your taxes this year. Our class depends on tax donations for field trips, Magnet Monday and more!... "Marshall's Magnet Monday classes and extracurricular programs, like Suzuki violin, are supported by your generous tax credit contributions to our school. In the coming weeks, we hope you'll choose to help us to sustain our one of a kind magnet programs, extracurricular activities and field-trips for another year."- Mr. Coe